The dog sport is awash with acronyms and jargon. This page helps to sort-out what it all means. Note that it only contains the titles and acronyms that apply to the dogs noted on this website. For more exhaustive lists, go to the sites for each registry or show venue.
Common Titles Between All Registries
•BIS - Best In Show•BISS - Best In Specialty Show•BOB - Best of Breed•BOV - Best Of Variety (AKC Standard Poodles are a Poodle Variety. Therefore, Best of Breed is only awarded in Specialty shows.)•MBIS - Multiple Bests in Show
American Kennel Club
Conformation -•CH - Champion (Sometimes annotated as “AM CH”)•GCH - Grand Champion•GCHB - Grand Champion, Bronze LevelPerformance -•BCAT - FastCAT Level B (“CAT” - “Coursing Ability Test”)•CD - Companion Dog•CDX - Companion Dog Excellent RN - Rally Novice•CGC - Canine Good Citizen•HIC - Herding Instinct CertifiedAgility -•MX - Master Agility•MXJ - Master Jumpers•NA - Novice Agility•NJA - Novice Agility Jumpers
United Kennel Club
Conformation -•UCH - Champion•ALT GrCH - Altered Grand Champion•EGCH - Grand Champion, Emerald Level•GRCH - Grand ChampionPerformance -•FO - Family Obedience•RO - Rally Obedience (Followed by Levels 1 - 3)•UCD - UKC Companion Dog•UCDX - UKC Companion Dog Excellent•SPOT - Socialized Pet Obedience Test
International All-Breed Canine Association
Conformation -•Int - International Champion•Nat - National Champion•SVCH - Super Veteran Champion
World Cynosport Rally Limited (Formerly American Pet Dog Trainers)